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Education on Denton's Local History of White Supremacy

Added on 6th Jun 2022

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I teach extensive courses on Denton's local history of white supremacy. Pulling from nearly eight years of primary source reach, I teach bout the idealogical origins of the area's legacy of racism and offer a geaneological-theo-philosophical-historical accounting of the people, institutions, and locations wherein ideas about race have been trafficked throughout Denton's history so as to reveal both the systemic and generational nature of the local settler-colonizer supremacist paradigm. Collectively, my research is rooted in interdisciplinary methodological approaches aimed at unveiling the theo-myth which underscores the modern American racial ontology, in order to expose how theological white supremacy was homogenized into popular culture in Denton County Texas following the Civil War via the neo-Confederate Ku Klux Klan movement, what I have coined "Ku Klux Konfederatism" - a living cultural legacy which continues its influence today through localized theo-political institutions, sociocultural systems and cultural 'norms.'

My research has been peer reviewed by both the Texas State Historical Association, the Philosophy and History Departments of the University of North Texas, as well as the History Department at the University of North Texas in San Antonio. I have offered both extensive 6 week courses through the UNT Osher Lifelong Learning Insitute every year for the last four years and continue to offer public lectures of varrying lenths through the Denton Public Library System. I have also offered a variety of courses and lectures to private groups and organizations within Denton and all over Texas.

When: Every week

06:00 - 12:00 SST
12:00 - 18:00 SST
18:00 - 23:59 SST
06:00 - 12:00 SST
18:00 - 23:59 SST
06:00 - 12:00 SST
12:00 - 18:00 SST
06:00 - 12:00 SST
12:00 - 18:00 SST
18:00 - 23:59 SST
06:00 - 12:00 SST
12:00 - 18:00 SST
18:00 - 23:59 SST
06:00 - 12:00 SST
12:00 - 18:00 SST
18:00 - 23:59 SST
06:00 - 12:00 SST
12:00 - 18:00 SST
18:00 - 23:59 SST

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